Think of the unthinkable

July 10,2018 Prince Michael of Liechtenstein, GIS The January 1999 introduction of a common currency, the euro, for several European Union countries was a great, visionary concept. It proved extremely

Saving NATO From Trump

July 6, 2018 Ana Palacio, Project Syndicate The upcoming NATO summit does not have to be a high-drama, make-or-break moment for the transatlantic alliance, as some have presented it. It

Can Multilateralism Adapt?

June 29, 2018 Jean Pisani-Ferry, Project Syndicate Global governance requires rules, because flexibility and goodwill alone cannot tackle the hardest shared problems. With multilateralism under attack, the narrow path ahead

The Next Phase of Finance

13/03/2018 Bertrand Badré, Project Syndicate Today’s strengthening economic recovery has not overcome the understandable but devastating loss of trust in the financial system that followed the crisis a decade ago.

La politique migratoire et la démocratie

Publié le 03/07/2018 Renaud Girard, Le Figaro La fracture qui s’accroît actuellement en Allemagne entre les chrétiens-démocrates et les chrétiens-sociaux de Bavière (partis de centre-droit continûment alliés depuis la création

Le nouveau chaos mondial

Publié le 22/06/2018 Propos recueillis par Alexis Lacroix dans L’Express L’ancien ministre Hubert Védrine et l’historien Alexandre Adler échangent sur le nouvel ordre mondial, et ses menaces. Hubert Védrine, ancien

Ideology of Eastward Turn

21 June 2018 Sergey Karaganov, Russia in Global Affairs The first phase of Russia’s turn towards rising Asia is gaining momentum – the Far East’s rate of development is twice the