Press review

Ambassador Hassassian at the World Policy Conference in Montreux, Switzerland
Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 2015.12.03

03.12.15 His Excellency Manuel Hassassian was invited to speak at the World Policy Conference (WPC), the annual forum of the French Institute of International Relations, in Switzerland last week. The

Video Statement: Prince Michael of Liechtenstein – World Policy Conference Interview
Geopolitical Information Service - 2015.12.01

01.12.15 For the second year running, in 2015, Prince Michael of Liechtenstein attended the World Policy Conference and participated in a number of discussions. Founded in 2008, the World Policy Conference (WPC) is an independent organization

Do companies have a nationality?
Roland Berger - 2015.12.01

01.12.15 Since the 1980s, several phenomena have diluted the notion of nationality for companies, especially large ones: the emergence of a VUCA world, the growing internationalization of value chains, and

TWEET – TV Interview Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
@MvLiechtenstein - 2015.12.01

#WorldPolicyConference – TV Interview Prince Michael of Liechtenstein. 

TWEET – Do firms have a nationality?
@CEBouee - 2015.12.01

Do firms have a nationality? Check out this video interview with @CEBouee at @WorldPolicyConf:  #globalization

Three interviews that you MUST WATCH. Arqebe (World Policy Conference), Major General Kinfe (METEC), & PMHMD on Various Current Events/Issues.
Mereja - 2015.12.01

01.12.15 Arqebe World Policy Conference -Transformation Agriculture (irrigation vs. rain fed) and Productivity Enhancing Inputs. Major General Kinfe Danje: Answering Questions that revolve around METEC PMHMD on various current events. 

Populism, nationalism are big threats to Europe: Former Italian PM Mario Monti
Pulse - 2015.11.29

29.11.15 Italian economist, Mario Monti was sworn in as Prime Minister of Italy in November 2011, in the wake of the eurozone debt crisis to succeed Silvio Berlusconi. His government

Fabius à la conférence de Montreux : Les gouvernements ne sont pas les seuls concernés par la COP21
L'Orient-Le Jour - 2015.11.26

26.11.15 8E ÉDITION DE LA WPC Les travaux de la WPC qui se sont tenus à Montreux, en Suisse, ont porté, parallèlement aux grands dossiers politiques et économiques, sur le

Lowering interest rates won’t be a catastrophe
WN - 2015.11.25

25.11.15 Lowering interest rates will be unnecessary and wrong, but it won’t be a catastrophe, said head of the central bank, Marek Belka. … Warsaw Business Journal 2015-11-25

Daniel Daianu at the World Policy Conference
Ora Noua - 2015.11.25

25.11.15 EIGHTH EDITION / Nov. 20-22, 2015 Fairmont Le Montreux Palace Montreux, Switzerland Romania was represented by Mugur Isărescu, Răsvan Radu, Marius Stoian, Daniel Dăianu, Eugen Simion, Cătălin Predoiu, Traian Halalai,

Mugur Isărescu, Răsvan Radu, Marius Stoian, Daniel Dăianu, Eugen Simion, Cătălin Predoiu, Traian Halalai, Daniela Lulache, Maya Simionescu şi Alexandra Gătej la World Policy Conference
Ora Noua - 2015.11.25

25.11.15 EIGHTH EDITION / Nov. 20-22, 2015 Fairmont Le Montreux Palace Montreux, Switzerland Romania was represented by Mugur Isărescu, Răsvan Radu, Marius Stoian, Daniel Dăianu, Eugen Simion, Cătălin Predoiu, Traian Halalai,

Belka: lowering interest rates won’t be a catastrophe
WBJ - 2015.11.25

25.11.15 Wojciech Rylukowski Poland AM Lowering interest rates will be unnecessary and wrong, but it won’t be a catastrophe, said head of the central bank, Marek Belka. The Monetary Policy Council

À Montreux, Israéliens et Palestiniens prônent un retour aux négociations secrètes
L'Orient-Le Jour - 2015.11.25

25.11.15 8E ÉDITION DE LA WPC L’une des sessions plénières tenues dans le cadre de la 8e édition sur la gouvernance mondiale organisée par la World Policy Conference à Montreux

“النهار” في منتدى الحوكمة العالمية في مونترو النزوح عزّز الإرهاب والمصارف المركزية في المواجهة
النهار‎ - 2015.11.25

25.11.15 الدورة الثامنة لمنتدى الحوكمة العالمية.     صحيح ان الهواجس الغربية حيال موضوع الارهاب وسبل مواجهته طغت بشكل كبير على أعمال منتدى الحوكمة العالمية الذي نظمه مؤتمر السياسة الدولية

Terror outfits becoming terror regimes
Iranians Daily - 2015.11.24

Tuesday, November 24, 2015, Azar 3, 1394, Safar 12, 1437 A senior Iranian diplomat has described the potential establishment of “terrorist regimes” as the most dire threat facing the world

Gravest Global Threat
Financial Tribune - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 A senior diplomat described the potential establishment of “terrorist regimes” as the most serious threat facing the world. “The acts of Daesh [the so-called Islamic State militant group] confirm

Moscou et Téhéran, indéfectibles soutiens de Bachar Al Assad
Les Echos - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 Vladimir Poutine a rencontré hier le Guide suprême iranien. Ensemble, ils refusent qu’un règlement politique soit dicté à Damas. Moscou et Téhéran maintiennent un front uni qui risque d’altérer

Address by Governor Mugur Isarescu – The future of central banking
Bancherul - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 Address by Governor Mugur Isărescu during the plenary session – The future of central banking World Policy Conference, the 8th edition, 20-22 November 2015, Montreux, Switzerland Parts of this

Débat hallucinant
Les Éco - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 Par SAMIR CHAOUKI Les travaux de la World Policy Conference à Montreux (Suisse) ont, une nouvelle fois, été à la hauteur des attentes, mais de tous les panels qui étaient

World Policy Conference : Regards croisés sur un monde en ébullition
Les Éco - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 Politique monétaire non conventionnelle, développement économique, réchauffement climatique, immigration, terrorisme…autant de thématiques débattues au plus haut niveau lors de la 8e édition de la World Policy Conference à Montreux,

« Au cours des 30 dernières années, nous avons assuré la stabilité au M-O », affirme le vice-ministre iranien des AE
L'Orient-Le Jour - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 Hossein Amirabdollahian.   Michel TOUMA | OLJ Le rôle de l’Iran, et dans son sillage du Hezbollah et des autres alliés de Téhéran, a été maintes fois évoqué lors de la

Unanimité des intervenants à Montreux pour une action concertée contre le terrorisme
L'Orient-Le Jour - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 LA 8E ÉDITION DE LA WPC Les différents dossiers en rapport avec les retombées de la situation présente au Moyen-Orient – du Liban au Yémen, en passant par la

“النهار” في منتدى الحوكمة العالمية في مونترو: الإرهاب حضر بقلق من دون آليات لمواجهته
النهار‎ - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 جانب من جلسات المنتدى حول الشرق الاوسط. لم يخفف هدوء مدينة مونترو الساكنة على ضفاف بحيرة ليمان السويسرية، منسوب الهواجس التي تشغل الغرب من جراء خطر الارهاب الجهادي والذي

제8차 세계정책콘퍼런스(WPC)
MK - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 2011년 금융위기에 이은 재정위기 후폭풍이 전 유럽을 휩쓸면서 이탈리아는 국가 부도 위기에 내몰렸다. 위기의 순간 이탈리아의 선택은 저명한 경제학자 출신 마리오 몬티 총리(72)였다. 여러 부정부패로 리더십을 상실한 뒤 경제위기

제8차 세계정책콘퍼런스(WPC)
MK - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 “유럽 경제는 회복 중이고 내년 글로벌 경제도 적절한 성장세를 이어갈 것이다.” 장클로드 트리셰 전 유럽중앙은행(ECB) 총재는 저성장에 신음하는 글로벌 경제에 낙관론을 피력했다. 세계정책콘퍼런스(WPC)에 참석한 그는 매일경제와 인터뷰하면서 “유럽 경제가

제8차 세계정책콘퍼런스(WPC)
MK - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 이토 모토시게 도쿄대 교수, 존 립스키 존스홉킨스대 교수, 마리오 몬티 전 이탈리아 총리, 사공일 세계경제연구원 이사장(왼쪽부터) 등이 글로벌 거버넌스에 대해 토론하고 있다. 지난 20~22일 스위스 몽트뢰에서 개최된 제8차 세계정책콘퍼런스(WPC)는

제8차 세계정책콘퍼런스(WPC)
MK - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 “향후 글로벌 경제를 위협할 가장 큰 리스크는 정치다. 근시안적인 정치가 경제도 나라도 망치고 있다.” 마리오 몬티 전 이탈리아 총리가 포퓰리즘과 민족주의에 휘둘리는 전 세계 정치시스템에 일침을 가했다. 지난 20~22일

Russie – Iran : Accord sur la Syrie, et bien au-delà…
Actualités du droit international - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 La diplomatie mondiale bouge, et nous allons essayer de suivre ça de près, en nous concentrant sur les faits, qu’ils plaisent ou ne plaisent pas. L’événement d’hier, c’était la

Ethiopia — World Policy Conference TV: Interview with Arkebe Oqubay, PhD
Dire Tube - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 VIDEO – Dr. Arkebe’s interview at the World Policy Conference Dr. Arkebe’s interview at the World Policy Conference

Russie – Iran : Accord sur la Syrie, et bien au-delà…, par Gilles Devers
Sahar - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 IRIB- La diplomatie mondiale bouge, et nous allons essayer de suivre ça de près, en nous concentrant sur les faits, qu’ils plaisent ou ne plaisent pas. L’événement d’hier, c’était

Moscou et Téhéran, indéfectibles soutiens de Bachar Al Assad
MSN Actualités - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 © Les Echos Poutine et Khamenei, qui se sont rencontrés lundi à Téhéran, maintiennent un front uni qui risque d’altérer la grande coalition voulue par François Hollande contre l’Etat islamique

Ethiopia — World Policy Conference TV: Interview with Arkebe Oqubay, PhD
Utopian Tube - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 Ethiopia — World Policy Conference TV: Interview with Arkebe Oqubay, PhD Ethiopia World Policy Conference TV: Interview with Arkebe Oqubay, PhD © World Policy Conference TV Arkebe Oqubay, Minister

Ethiopia World Policy Conference TV Interview With Dr.Arkebe Oqubay
Habesha2day - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 VIDEO – Interview with Dr Akebe Oqubay Ethiopia World Policy Conference TV Interview With Dr.Arkebe Oqubay

La World Policy Conference : Les débats axés sur le terrorisme
Impact24 - 2015.11.24

24.11.15 La présidente de la commission parlementaire française des Affaires étrangères, Élisabeth Guigou. Photo : DR Toutes les sessions de travail de la World Policy Conference à Montreux se sont focalisées

“Le Moyen-Orient passe à un nouvel ordre politique”
Sahar - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 IRIB- Pour le vice-ministre iranien des Affaires étrangères chargé du département arabo-africain, la situation actuelle du Moyen-Orient traduit une transition politique et sécuritaire pour passer à un nouvel ordre.

ME transitioning from old to new political order: Iranian diplomat
Mehr News Agency - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 MONTREUX, Nov. 23 (MNA) – Iranian deputy FM Amir-Abdollahian speaking at World Policy Conf. on Sun. said the current situation in the Middle East is the sign of a

Mideast through new political order: Deputy FM
Islamic Republic News Agency - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 Tehran, Nov 23, IRNA – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the Middle East region is passing from an old political and security order to

Trilaterale Iran-Schweiz-Syrien-Sitzung findet bald in Teheran statt
IRIB - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 Montreux (IRIB/IRNA) – Der iranische Vizeaußenminister für arabische und afrikanische Angelegenheiten Hossein Amir-Abdollahian und Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart, der Staatssekretär für Nordafrika- und Nahost-Angelegenheiten im schweizerischen Außenministerium haben sich am

Iran, Switzerland, Syria to hold trilateral meeting
Iran Daily - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 High-ranking officials from Iran, Switzerland and Syria plan to hold a trilateral meeting in Tehran in the near future to discuss ways to help resolve Syria’s more than four-year-old

Deputy FM Attends WPC
Financial Tribune - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian arrived in the Swiss city of Montreux late Saturday to attend the Eighth World Policy Conference on Sunday. The senior diplomat also was to

Iran to host trilateral meeting on Syria
Electro Akhbar - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 Iran and Switzerland agreed on organizing a trilateral meeting on Syrian crisis in Tehran in near future. Iran’s Deputy Forein Minister for Arab-African Affairs, who is visiting Switzerland to

Dividing Terrorism into Good and Bad Worsened Security Situation in Entire World: Abdollahian
The Syria Times - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 MONTREUX, Switzerland- Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has stressed that using terrorism as a tool to serve certain agendas and dividing it into

TWEET – D. Burkhalter addressing the WorldPolicyConf
@theGCERF - 2015.11.23

Swiss FC, D. Burkhalter, urges partners & private sector to support @thegcerf while addressing the @WorldPolicyConf 

Hope for resolution in Syria after Russia tips the balance
Geopolitical Information Service - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 Prince Michael of Liechtenstein     On November 20, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution submitted by France on fighting Islamic State. It idealistically calls on UN

TWEET – Itamar Rabinovich on Israeli-Palestinian dialogue
@SynergiaImpact - 2015.11.23

Itamar Rabinovich on Israeli-Palestinian dialogue – current impasse means moving from 2-state to 1-state solution

Iran, Switzerland, Syria to hold trilateral meeting
Khaleej Post - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 High-ranking officials from Iran, Switzerland and Syria plan to hold a trilateral meeting in Tehran in the near future to discuss ways to help resolve Syria’s more than four-year-old

Iran, Switzerland, Syria to Hold Trilateral Meeting in Tehran
Tasnim News Agency - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 TEHRAN (Tasnim) – High-ranking officials from Iran, Switzerland and Syria plan to hold a trilateral meeting in Tehran in the near future to discuss ways to help resolve Syria’s

Iran to host trilateral meeting on Syria
Seraj24 - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 Iran and Switzerland agreed on organizing a trilateral meeting on Syrian crisis in Tehran in near future. Iran’s Deputy Forein Minister for Arab-African Affairs, who is visiting Switzerland to

Mideast through new political order: Deputy FM
Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the Middle East region is passing from an old political and security order to a new one with many

Iran to host trilateral meeting on Syria
Mehr News Agency - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 TEHRAN, Nov. 23 (MNA) – Iran and Switzerland agreed on organizing a trilateral meeting on Syrian crisis in Tehran in near future. Iran’s Deputy Forein Minister for Arab-African Affairs,

Terror outfits becoming terror regimes, real danger: Iranian official
Press TV - 2015.11.23

    23.11.15 Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian A senior Iranian diplomat has described the potential establishment of “terrorist regimes” as the most dire

Hervé Mariton à la World Policy Conference
Parlements - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 En marge de la World Policy Conference qui a eu lieu ce week end à Montreux, Hervé Mariton a été interviewé pour parler des liens entre la France et

Ethiopia — World Policy Conference TV: Interview with Arkebe Oqubay, PhD
Ethiopia Online - 2015.11.23

23.11.15 VIDEO – Interview with Arkebe Oqubay, PhD Ajoutée le 23 nov. 2015 Ethiopia World Policy Conference TV: Interview with Arkebe Oqubay, PhD © World Policy Conference TV

Le rassemblement des forces contre Daech marque un changement d’époque
Le Temps - 2015.11.23

23.11.2015 Dans une conférence internationale à Montreux ce week-end, l’ancien ministre français Hubert Védrine a estimé que l’alliance de circonstance avec la Russie au Moyen-Orient signe la fin de l’après-guerre

Diplomat arrives in Switzerland for World Policy Conf.
Mehr News Agency - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 TEHARN, Nov. 22 (MNA) – Iranian deputy FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian arrived in the Swiss city of Montreux late Sat. to attend the 8th edition of World Policy Conference (WPC).

Iran’s Deputy FM in Switzerland for int’l policy conference
Iranian Students' News Agency - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 TEHRAN (ISNA)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Countries Hossein Amir-Abdollahian arrived in Switzerland to join ‘World Policy Conference.’ He is scheduled to outline Iran’s views regarding

Iman Chairman takes part in WPC Final Debate
The Iman Foundation - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 Iman Chairman Ribal Al-Assad recently took part in the final debate at the World Policy Conference in Montreux, Switzerland. The panel was chaired by Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor at

TWEET – Santé et gouvernance mondiale
@khhardy - 2015.11.22

Santé et gouvernance mondiale: C Bréchot B Badré, L Fresco #worldpolicyconf

La leçon de géopolitique du patron de Total
Les Echos - 2015.11.22

22.11.15   Total est la seule grande « major » mondiale présente au Moyen-Orient qui n’y dispose pas d’une base de ressources domestiques. – Vahid Salemi/AP/SIPA   Total n’ayant aucune base

Ribal Al-Assad speaks at the World Policy Conference in Montreux, Switzerland
The Iman Foundation - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 Chairman of the IMAN Foundation, Ribal Al-Assad, recently attended the 2015 World Policy Conference in Montreux, Switzerland, which was opened by Didier Burkhalter, Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal

Jeremić Speaks at the World Policy Conference
CIRSD - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 The President of the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) Vuk Jeremić took part in the prestigious World Policy Conference (WPC). This annaual high-level event, organized by

Michel Foucher : « Il ne faut pas tomber dans le piège d’une opération au sol »
Les Echos - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 Pour Michel Foucher, il est urgent de réfléchir aussi à la diffusion des images de propagande – DR   La question du terrorisme a largement dominé la huitième édition de

TWEET – Another interesting WorldPolicyConf
@paltineanu - 2015.11.22

Another interesting #worldpolicyconf at a time when geopolitics, social fabric & economic order are at crossroads

Jeremić učestvovao na Konferenciji o globalnoj politici
CIRSD - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 Predsednik CIRSD-a Vuk Jeremić učestvovao je na prestižnoj tradicionalnoj Konferenciji o globalnoj politici (World Policy Conference-WPC), koja se u organizaciji Francuskog instituta za medjunarodne odnose (IFRI) održala ove godine

TWEET – Panel on the European refugee crisis
@jeremic_vuk - 2015.11.22

Privilege to join Hubert Vedrine, Kemal Dervis, at the panel on the European refugee crisis #WorldPolicyConf

« En Syrie et en Irak, il faut que chiites et sunnites trouvent un équilibre politique stable »
La Croix - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 L’avenir du Proche-Orient était au centre de la 8e  édition du World policy conference à Montreux. Nelson Cunningham, ancien conseiller spécial du président Clinton pour les affaires occidentales. Ancien conseiller

Pétrole: Le prix du baril se stabilisera autour de 50$ jusqu’en 2020
Les Éco - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 Dans le cadre de la 8ème édition du World Policy Conference tenue à Montreux, en Suisse, l’expert en matières premières, Philippe Chalmin, revient en vidéo sur le cour du

TWEET – Déclaration de Laurent Fabius
@spokojny - 2015.11.22

Déclaration de Laurent Fabius @WorldPolicyConf dernière ligne droite @COP21 …

TWEET – WorldPolicyConf 2015
@azraisakovic - 2015.11.22

#WorldPolicyConf 2015 de l’@Ifri_ : #Climate #Environment #Health #GlobalGovernance #COP21 … via @azraisakovic

ODFS Director Participates in Final Debate at World Policy Conference
ODFS - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 Iman Chairman Ribal Al-Assad recently took part in the final debate at the World Policy Conference in Montreux, Switzerland. The panel was chaired by Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor at

Ribal Al-Assad attends World Policy Conference in Montreux, Switzerland
ODFS - 2015.11.22

ODFS Director Ribal Al-Assad, recently attended the 2015 World Policy Conference in Montreux, Switzerland, which was opened by Didier Burkhalter, Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs,

Iranian Diplomat in Switzerland for World Policy Conference
Tasnim News Agency - 2015.11.22

22.11.15 TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian travelled to the Swiss city of Montreux to attend an annual meeting of the

TWEETS – Great conference and deep and interesting discussions
@bosammy - 2015.11.21

Great conference and deep and interesting discussions. @SusanLiautaud @WorldPolicyConf your presentation on the role of and of importance of ethics in the digital world was excellent.

«Le langage guerrier donne satisfaction aux thèses de Daech, qui se targue d’être un Etat»
Le Monde - 2015.11.21

21.11.15 Miguel Angel Moratinos a été ministre des affaires étrangères espagnol de 2004 à 2010, dans le gouvernement du socialiste José Luis Zapatero. Il revient sur l’impact des attentats de Paris, en marge

La 8e session de la WPC à Montreux axée sur le terrorisme, la guerre syrienne et la crise des réfugiés
L'Orient-Le Jour - 2015.11.21

21.11.15 CONFÉRENCE INTERNATIONALE La Conférence sur la gouvernance mondiale (« World Policy Conference », WPC) a ouvert les travaux de sa 8e édition annuelle hier matin à Montreux, en Suisse. Les deux

TWEET – Honoured to participate in Session 11
@SusanLiautaud - 2015.11.21

Honoured to participate in the Session 11 global challenges of the #digitaltechnologies #worldpolicyconf.Thank you @WorldPolicyConf

World Policy Conference : 21 et 22 novembre
Droit Au Cœur - 2015.11.21

21.11.15 VIDEO – Hervé Mariton participe aux travaux de la World Policy Conference. Voir la vidéo Dans son interview, il évoque l’”Action conjointe avec la Russie du fait de l’évolution

Opening speech of the 8th edition of the World Policy Conference, Montreux, Switzerland
Ifri - 2015.11.20

Montreux, 20 November 2015 The eighth World Policy Conference, or WPC as we call it, opens exactly one week after the so-called “Islamic State” committed the terrorist attacks in Paris.

8e édition de la World Policy Conference
Ifri - 2015.11.20

20.11.15 Après Évian, Marrakech, Vienne, Cannes, Monaco et Séoul, l’édition 2015 de la World Policy Conference (WPC) dont le président et fondateur est Thierry de Montbrial, se tient à Montreux, Suisse du

La montée du terrorisme et la crise des réfugiés conduisent les puissances à repenser leurs alliances
Les Echos - 2015.11.20

20.11.15 Les attaques terroristes à Paris et la volonté de contrer Daech rebattent les cartes des alliances entre les puissances. L’Europe doit gérer la plus grande crise humanitaire depuis la

TWEET – Président de la WorldPolicyConf Thierry de Montbrial
@FrancoisNordman - 2015.11.20

#worldpolicyconf son président Thierry de Montbrial croit à valeur et service de la neutralité , Suisse bien commun humanité

TWEET – With Swiss MFA at WorldPolicyConf
@jeremic_vuk - 2015.11.20

With Swiss MFA #Burkhalter at #WorldPolicyConf. Glad that our 2011 deal on OSCE brought our relations to a new level

TWEET – A few words on the Balkans
@jeremic_vuk - 2015.11.20

A few words on the Balkans, at the margins of #WorldPolicyConf in Montreux  via @YouTube

TWEET – CIRSD President interview
@CIRSD - 2015.11.20

CIRSD President Vuk Jeremic gave an interview during #WorldPolicyConf in Montreux …

Address by Governor Mugur Isărescu during the plenary session – The future of central banking
Banca Naţională a României - 2015.11.20

20.11.15 World Policy Conference, the 8th edition, 20-22 November 2015, Montreux, Switzerland Parts of this address have been presented by Governor Mugur Isărescu during the plenary session “The future of

«Pour bien tourner, le monde a besoin d’un nouvel équilibre» (fr)
Portail de la Confédération suisse - 2015.11.20

20.11.2015 Montreux, 20.11.2015 – Address by the Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter on the occasion of the World Policy Conference in Montreux – Check against delivery Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs, Merci de

Didier Burkhalter prône la prévention de l’extrémisme violent
Le Nouvelliste - 2015.11.20

20.11.2015 LUTTE ANTITERRORISTE – Didier Burkhalter veut donner la priorité à la prévention de l’extrémisme violent. Le conseiller fédéral a rappelé l’importance de ne pas céder aux intimidations de l’EI. “Il faut

«Pour bien tourner, le monde a besoin d’un nouvel équilibre»
DFAE - 2015.11.20

20.11.2015 Allocution du Conseiller fédéral Didier Burkhalter lors de la World Policy Conference à Montreux – Seul le texte prononcé fait foi Orateur: Chef du Département, Didier Burkhalter DFAE  

Didier Burkhalter prône la prévention de l’extrémisme violent
Arcinfo - 2015.11.20

20.11.2015 LUTTE ANTITERRORISTE – Didier Burkhalter veut donner la priorité à la prévention de l’extrémisme violent. Le conseiller fédéral a rappelé l’importance de ne pas céder aux intimidations de l’EI. Le conseiller

The 8th edition of World Policy Conference will take place in Montreux, Switzerland / Nov. 20-22
Ora Noua - 2015.11.18

18.11.15 EIGHTH EDITION / Nov. 20-22, 2015 Fairmont Le Montreux Palace Montreux, Switzerland 2015 Themes: Session 1: Global economic order at the Crossroads The revolution in information technologies and the geographical